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  • 中药标准品生产商,产品定制服务
  • 络石苷元


    产品编号 CFN90598
    CAS编号 34209-69-3
    分子式 = 分子量 C21H24O7 = 388.15
    产品纯度 >=98%
    物理属性 Powder
    化合物类型 Lignans
    植物来源 The herbs of Trachelospermum jasminoides (Lindl.) Lem.
    产品名称 产品编号 CAS编号 包装 QQ客服
    络石苷元 CFN90598 34209-69-3 1mg QQ客服:3257982914
    络石苷元 CFN90598 34209-69-3 5mg QQ客服:3257982914
    络石苷元 CFN90598 34209-69-3 10mg QQ客服:3257982914
    络石苷元 CFN90598 34209-69-3 20mg QQ客服:3257982914
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    doi: 10.1016/j.cmet.2020.01.002.

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    doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2017.10.022.

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    Nature Plants. 2016 Dec 22;3: 16206.
    doi: 10.1038/nplants.2016.205.

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    Sci Adv. 2018 Oct 24;4(10): eaat6994.
    doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aat6994.

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  • 生物活性
    Description: Trachelogenin has antiproliferative effect, the mechanism is related to affect the phosphorylation of key proteins such as β-Catenin, c-Myc and GSK3 in the β-Catenin signaling pathway in a concentration-dependent manner.
    Targets: Wnt/β-catenin | GSK-3 | c-Myc
    In vitro:
    Fitoterapia. 2015 Jan;100:19-26.
    Endogenous enzyme-hydrolyzed fruit of Cirsium brachycephalum: optimal source of the antiproliferative lignan trachelogenin regulating the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway in the SW480 colon adenocarcinoma cell line.[Pubmed: 25447161]
    The molecular constituents of Cirsium brachycephalum fruits were identified, quantified and isolated for the first time.
    The lignan glycoside tracheloside was the main compound, which was transformed quantitatively into its aglycone Trachelogenin by endogenous enzymatic treatment of the fruit. Following this transformation by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) hyphenated with UV and mass spectrometry (MS) detections on a quantitative basis, the enzyme-hydrolyzed fruit was found to be the richest raw material containing Trachelogenin (17.2mg/g) reported to date. Thus, the enzyme-hydrolyzed fruit was used to isolate Trachelogenin using preparative HPLC in order to (1) unambiguously confirm its identity by gas chromatography-MS, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and optical rotation, and (2) investigate its in vitro antiproliferative activities against the SW480 colon adenocarcinoma cell line.
    Trachelogenin significantly affected the phosphorylation of key proteins such as β-Catenin, c-Myc and GSK3 in the β-Catenin signaling pathway in a concentration-dependent manner. These changes account for the antiproliferative effects of Trachelogenin.
    J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. 2011 May 1;879(15-16):1033-7.
    Simultaneous quantification of tracheloside and trachelogenin in rat plasma using liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry.[Pubmed: 21482203]
    We developed and validated a quantitative method for simultaneously determining the concentrations of tracheloside and Trachelogenin in rat plasma.
    Plasma samples were prepared by liquid-liquid extraction with ethyl acetate. Isocratic chromatographic separation was performed on a reversed-phase Diamonsil C(18) column (4.6×200 mm, 5 μm). The mobile phase consisted of methanol and 10mM aqueous ammonium formate (80:20, v/v). Analyte detection was achieved by positive electrospray ionization (ESI) tandem mass spectrometry. Calibration was performed by internal standardization with glipizide, and regression curves ranging from 0.625 to 625 ng/mL were constructed for both the analytes. The intra- and inter-day precision values were below 8%, and accuracy ranged from -5.33% to 2.53% in all quality control samples.
    In this study, the validated method was successfully applied to determine the pharmacokinetic profile of tracheloside and Trachelogenin in rat plasma after oral and intravenous administration of trachelospermi total lignans.
    1 mg 5 mg 10 mg 20 mg 25 mg
    1 mM 2.5763 mL 12.8816 mL 25.7632 mL 51.5265 mL 64.4081 mL
    5 mM 0.5153 mL 2.5763 mL 5.1526 mL 10.3053 mL 12.8816 mL
    10 mM 0.2576 mL 1.2882 mL 2.5763 mL 5.1526 mL 6.4408 mL
    50 mM 0.0515 mL 0.2576 mL 0.5153 mL 1.0305 mL 1.2882 mL
    100 mM 0.0258 mL 0.1288 mL 0.2576 mL 0.5153 mL 0.6441 mL
    * Note: If you are in the process of experiment, it's need to make the dilution ratios of the samples. The dilution data of the sheet for your reference. Normally, it's can get a better solubility within lower of Concentrations.
    产品名称 产品编号 CAS编号 分子式 = 分子量 位单 联系QQ
    荛花酚 ; (+)-Nortrachelogenin CFN96714 61521-74-2 C20H22O7 = 374.38 5mg QQ客服:1457312923
    (7R)-甲氧基-8-表-罗汉松树脂酚 ; (7R)-Methoxy-8-epi-matairesinol CFN89300 198827-23-5 C21H24O7 = 388.41 5mg QQ客服:2159513211
    络石苷元; Trachelogenin CFN90598 34209-69-3 C21H24O7 = 388.15 10mg QQ客服:3257982914
    去甲络石苷; Nortracheloside CFN93080 33464-78-7 C26H32O12 = 536.53 5mg QQ客服:3257982914
    络石苷; Tracheloside CFN90597 33464-71-0 C27H34O12 = 550.2 20mg QQ客服:215959384
    络石苷元-4'-O-beta-龙胆二糖苷; Trachelogenin 4'-O-beta-gentiobioside CFN95235 106647-13-6 C33H44O17 = 712.7 10mg QQ客服:2159513211
    去甲络石苷元8'-O-β-葡萄糖苷; Nortrachelogenin-8'-O-beta-glucoside CFN95234 858127-38-5 C26H32O12 = 536.5 10mg QQ客服:215959384
    去甲络石苷元5'-C-β-葡萄糖苷; Nortrachelogenin-5'-C-beta-glucoside CFN95251 858127-39-6 C26H32O12 = 536.5 10mg QQ客服:2159513211
    Traxillaside; Traxillaside CFN96608 149415-62-3 C28H36O12 = 564.59 5mg QQ客服:2159513211
    Trachelosiaside; Trachelosiaside CFN89466 106647-12-5 C26H32O11 = 520.52 5mg QQ客服:1413575084





    在线QQ: 1413575084


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