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  • 蓝蓟定


    产品编号 CFN00254
    CAS编号 520-68-3
    分子式 = 分子量 C20H31NO7 = 397.47
    产品纯度 >=98%
    物理属性 Oil
    化合物类型 Alkaloids
    植物来源 The herbs of Echium plantagineum L.
    产品名称 产品编号 CAS编号 包装 QQ客服
    蓝蓟定 CFN00254 520-68-3 1mg QQ客服:215959384
    蓝蓟定 CFN00254 520-68-3 5mg QQ客服:215959384
    蓝蓟定 CFN00254 520-68-3 10mg QQ客服:215959384
    蓝蓟定 CFN00254 520-68-3 20mg QQ客服:215959384
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    doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2017.12.019.

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    ACS Nano. 2018 Apr 24;12(4): 3385-3396.
    doi: 10.1021/acsnano.7b08969.

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    Nature Plants. 2016 Dec 22;3: 16206.
    doi: 10.1038/nplants.2016.205.

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    Sci Adv. 2018 Oct 24;4(10): eaat6994.
    doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aat6994.

    PMID: 30417089
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  • 生物活性
    Description: Echimidine, a major hepatotoxic dehydropyrrolizidine alkaloid produced by E. plantagineum, in the honey (780 ng/g) and in the subsequent mead samples (236–540 ng/mL). Echimidine-N-Oxide has antifungal activity.
    Targets: Antifection
    In vitro:
    Mol Nutr Food Res. 2014 May;58(5):995-1004.
    Structure-activity relationship in the passage of different pyrrolizidine alkaloids through the gastrointestinal barrier: ABCB1 excretes heliotrine and echimidine.[Pubmed: 24375927]
    1,2-Unsaturated pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PA) are found in plants such as Asteraceae and Boraginaceae families. Acute PA poisoning via contaminated food or feed causes severe damage to liver depending on species-specific oral bioavailability. For assessing PA bioavailability, their passage across the intestinal barrier was investigated using Caco-2 cells.
    Differentiated Caco-2 cells were exposed in transport chambers to the PA heliotrine (Hn), echimidine (Em), senecionine (Sc), and senkirkine (Sk). Cell supernatants were analyzed by LC-MS/MS. PA pass Caco-2 monolayer from the apical into basolateral compartment depending on their chemical structure. Compared to the cyclic diesters Sc and Sk with a passage rate of 47% ± 4 and 40% ± 3, respectively, the transferred amount of the monoester Hn (32% ± 3) and open-chained diester Em (13% ± 2) was substantially lower. This suggested an active transport of Hn and Em. Using Madin-Darby canine kidney II/P-glycoprotein (ABCB1)-overexpressing cells, the active excretion of Hn and Em by ABCB1 from the gastrointestinal epithelium into the gut lumen was shown.
    PA cross the intestinal barrier structure-dependently. The passage of the noncyclic PA Hn and Em is reduced by an ABCB1-driven efflux into the gastrointestinal lumen resulting in a decreased oral bioavailability.
    J.Food Compos. Anal., 2013, 29(2):106-9.
    Persistence of echimidine, a hepatotoxic pyrrolizidine alkaloid, from honey into mead[Reference: WebLink]
    Honey produced by bees foraging on Echium plantagineum is known to contain dehydropyrrolizidine alkaloids characteristic of the plant.
    Following a prolific growth of E. plantagineum in the wake of Australian bushfires, two samples of mead, a fermented drink made from honey, and the honey used to prepare the mead were analyzed for the presence of Echium-related dehydropyrrolizidine alkaloids. HPLC–esiMS and MS/MS analysis of the alkaloidal fractions obtained using strong cation exchange, solid phase extraction unequivocally confirmed the presence of echimidine, a major hepatotoxic dehydropyrrolizidine alkaloid produced by E. plantagineum, in the honey (780 ng/g) and in the subsequent mead samples (236–540 ng/mL).
    The results from this limited, and specifically targeted sample set, while not indicative of the extent of the presence of echimidine (or other dehydropyrrolizidine alkaloids) in meads, reinforce the need for a wider survey and perhaps subsequent routine monitoring to determine the potential contribution to long-term, low-level or intermittent exposure to these toxic alkaloids and consequent chronic disease development.
    Turk. J. Med. Sci., 2001, 31(6):487-92.
    Antifungal activities of different extracts and echimidine-N-oxide from Symphytum sylvaticum Boiss. subsp. sepulcrale (Boiss. & Bal.) Greuter & Burdet var. sepulcrale.[Reference: WebLink]

    Antifungal activity was determined by the tube dilution method on different extracts of Symphytum sylvaticum Boiss. subsp. sepulcrale (Boiss. & Bal.) Greuter & Burdet var. sepulcrale. The antifungal activity of the isolated compound from the root alkaloid fraction (Echimidine-N-Oxide) was also tested against ten fungal cultures.
    The activity was found to be mainly due to Echimidine-N-Oxide (ENO). The quantitative determination of ENO was also carried out with capillary gas chromatography in the roots and the aerial parts of the plant.
    1 mg 5 mg 10 mg 20 mg 25 mg
    1 mM 2.5159 mL 12.5796 mL 25.1591 mL 50.3183 mL 62.8978 mL
    5 mM 0.5032 mL 2.5159 mL 5.0318 mL 10.0637 mL 12.5796 mL
    10 mM 0.2516 mL 1.258 mL 2.5159 mL 5.0318 mL 6.2898 mL
    50 mM 0.0503 mL 0.2516 mL 0.5032 mL 1.0064 mL 1.258 mL
    100 mM 0.0252 mL 0.1258 mL 0.2516 mL 0.5032 mL 0.629 mL
    * Note: If you are in the process of experiment, it's need to make the dilution ratios of the samples. The dilution data of the sheet for your reference. Normally, it's can get a better solubility within lower of Concentrations.
    产品名称 产品编号 CAS编号 分子式 = 分子量 位单 联系QQ
    Curassavine; Curassavine CFN00251 68385-70-6 C16H29NO4 = 299.41 5mg QQ客服:1413575084
    蓝蓟定; Echimidine CFN00254 520-68-3 C20H31NO7 = 397.47 5mg QQ客服:2159513211
    蓝蓟定N-氧化物; Echimidine N-oxide CFN00452 41093-89-4 C20H31NO8 = 413.5 5mg QQ客服:2056216494
    刺凌德草碱; Echinatine CFN00255 480-83-1 C15H25NO5 = 299.37 5mg QQ客服:1413575084
    N-氧化刺凌德草碱; Echinatine N-oxide CFN00256 20267-93-0 C15H25NO6 = 315.36 5mg QQ客服:1457312923
    Cynoglossamine; Cynoglossamine CFN00257 120193-39-7 C24H31NO7 = 445.51 5mg QQ客服:3257982914
    凌德草碱; Rinderine CFN00258 6029-84-1 C15H25NO5 = 299.37 5mg QQ客服:1457312923
    凌德草碱N-氧化物; Rinderine N-oxide CFN00470 137821-16-0 C15H25NO6 = 315.4 5mg QQ客服:1413575084
    蓝蓟碱; Echiumine CFN00259 633-16-9 C20H31NO6 = 381.47 5mg QQ客服:2056216494
    Myoscorpine; Myoscorpine CFN00260 82535-76-0 C20H31NO6 = 381.47 5mg QQ客服:1457312923





    在线QQ: 1413575084


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