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  • 状芸香素


    产品编号 CFN89033
    CAS编号 13164-03-9
    分子式 = 分子量 C16H14O3 = 254.28
    产品纯度 >=98%
    物理属性 Powder
    化合物类型 Coumarins
    植物来源 The roots of Stauranthus perforatus.
    产品名称 产品编号 CAS编号 包装 QQ客服
    状芸香素 CFN89033 13164-03-9 1mg QQ客服:2159513211
    状芸香素 CFN89033 13164-03-9 5mg QQ客服:2159513211
    状芸香素 CFN89033 13164-03-9 10mg QQ客服:2159513211
    状芸香素 CFN89033 13164-03-9 20mg QQ客服:2159513211
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    Nature Plants. 2016 Dec 22;3: 16206.
    doi: 10.1038/nplants.2016.205.

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    Sci Adv. 2018 Oct 24;4(10): eaat6994.
    doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aat6994.

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  • 生物活性
    Description: Chalepensin behaves as an energy transfer inhibitor at low concentration, it inhibits multiple P450s and that epoxidation activity is crucial for the potential drug interaction through mechanism-based inhibition. Chalepensin shows antiprotozoal activity; it also can cause significant inhibition of radicle growth of A. hypochondriacus and E. crus-galli.
    Targets: P450 (e.g. CYP17) | NADPH-oxidase | ATPase | Antifection
    In vitro:
    Molecules. 2014 Dec 15;19(12):21044-65.
    Antiprotozoal activity against Entamoeba histolytica of plants used in northeast Mexican traditional medicine. Bioactive compounds from Lippia graveolens and Ruta chalepensis.[Pubmed: 25517343]
    Amoebiasis caused by Entamoeba histolytica is associated with high morbidity and mortality is becoming a major public health problem worldwide, especially in developing countries. Because of the side-effects and the resistance that pathogenic protozoa build against the standard antiparasitic drugs, e.g., metronidazole, much recent attention has been paid to plants used in traditional medicine around the world in order to find new antiprotozoal agents.
    We collected 32 plants used in Northeast Mexican traditional medicine and the methanolic extracts of these species were screened for antiprotozoal activity against E. histolytica trophozoites using in vitro tests. Only 18 extracts showed a significant inhibiting activity and among them six plant extracts showed more than 80% growth inhibition against E. histolytica at a concentration of 150 μg/mL and the IC50 values of these extracts were determined. Lippia graveolens Kunth and Ruta chalepensis Pers. showed the more significant antiprotozoal activity (91.54% and 90.50% growth inhibition at a concentration of 150 μg/mL with IC50 values of 59.14 and 60.07 μg/mL, respectively).
    Bioassay-guided fractionation of the methanolic extracts from these two plants afforded carvacrol (1) and Chalepensin (2), respectively, as bioactive compounds with antiprotozoal activity.
    Phytochemistry. 2005 Feb;66(4):487-94.
    Allelochemicals from Stauranthus perforatus, a Rutaceous tree of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico.[Pubmed: 15694456 ]
    Aqueous leachates and a CHCl3-MeOH (1:1) extract of roots of Stauranthus perforatus showed a significant phytotoxic effect on Amaranthus hypochondriacus and Echinochloa crus-galli.
    Bioassay-directed fractionation of the active organic extract led to the isolation and characterization of ten secondary metabolites, which included two pyranocoumarins [xanthyletin (1) and 3-(1',1'-dimethylallyl)-xanthyletin (2)], four furanocoumarins [Chalepensin (3), ammirin (4), chalepin (5) and 2'-isopropyl-psoralene (6)], two lignans [asarinin (7) and fargesin (8)], one sesquiterpene [4,5-epoxi-beta-caryophyllene (9)], and one alkamide [pellitorine (10)]. From these compounds, 2'-isopropyl-psoralene (6) or anhydromarmesin, is reported for the first time as a natural product, whereas compounds 4-10 are now reported as being present in S. perforatus.
    Metabolites 1, 3-5 and 10 caused significant inhibition of radicle growth of A. hypochondriacus and E. crus-galli. Furthermore, in a greenhouse experiment the decomposition of the leaves and roots in the soil had a significant inhibitory effect on the growth of weeds. The allelopathic action of the decomposition of roots was evident up to the sixth week of the experiment. The effect of leaves was comparable to that of DPCA (dimethyl tetrachloroterephthalate), a commercial herbicide. Finally different concentrations of Stauranthus root powder were combined with maize kernels and used to feed corn weevil. The treatments resulted in high mortality of this insect.
    J Agric Food Chem. 1999 May;47(5):2137-40.
    Effect of selected coumarins on spinach chloroplast photosynthesis.[Pubmed: 10552509]

    Xanthyletin (1), 3-(1',1'-dimethylallyl)xanthyletin (2), and Chalepensin (3), the major coumarins isolated from Stauranthus perforatus, inhibit ATP synthesis from water to methylviologen in spinach thylakoids in a concentration-dependent manner. At low concentration Chalepensin (3) inhibits basal and phosphorylating electron flow from water to K(3)[Fe(CN)(6)] without affecting uncoupled electron flow but accelerating Mg(2 )-ATPase activity.
    Thus, at low concentration the compound behaves as an energy transfer inhibitor. However, at higher concentrations this coumarin acts as an uncoupler because it enhances basal and phosphorylating electron transfer. On the other hand, coumarins 1 and 2 act as Hill reaction inhibitors, although 2 exhibited also uncoupler properties because it induces stimulation of basal and phosphorylating electron flow from water to ferricyanide. The site of interference of xanthyletin was located at the b(6)f-PC level of the electron transport chain.
    1 mg 5 mg 10 mg 20 mg 25 mg
    1 mM 3.9327 mL 19.6634 mL 39.3267 mL 78.6535 mL 98.3168 mL
    5 mM 0.7865 mL 3.9327 mL 7.8653 mL 15.7307 mL 19.6634 mL
    10 mM 0.3933 mL 1.9663 mL 3.9327 mL 7.8653 mL 9.8317 mL
    50 mM 0.0787 mL 0.3933 mL 0.7865 mL 1.5731 mL 1.9663 mL
    100 mM 0.0393 mL 0.1966 mL 0.3933 mL 0.7865 mL 0.9832 mL
    * Note: If you are in the process of experiment, it's need to make the dilution ratios of the samples. The dilution data of the sheet for your reference. Normally, it's can get a better solubility within lower of Concentrations.
    产品名称 产品编号 CAS编号 分子式 = 分子量 位单 联系QQ
    7-羟基-3-异戊烯基香豆素; 7-Hydroxy-3-prenylcoumarin CFN97429 86654-26-4 C14H14O3 = 230.3 5mg QQ客服:3257982914
    7-羟基-6-甲氧基-3-异戊烯基香豆素; 7-Hydroxy-6-methoxy-3-prenylcoumarin CFN98374 299159-90-3 C15H16O4 = 260.3 5mg QQ客服:3257982914
    3-(1,1-Dimethylallyl)-8-hydroxy-7-methoxycoumarin; 3-(1,1-Dimethylallyl)-8-hydroxy-7-methoxycoumarin CFN89287 61899-42-1 C15H16O4 = 260.28 5mg QQ客服:2159513211
    状芸香素 ; Chalepensin CFN89033 13164-03-9 C16H14O3 = 254.28 5mg QQ客服:3257982914
    芸香内酯; Rutamarin CFN89223 14882-94-1 C21H24O5 = 356.41 5mg QQ客服:215959384
    三叉苦甲素; Evodosin A CFN89021 1291053-38-7 C14H16O6 = 280.27 5mg QQ客服:1413575084
    12-氧代四环香豆素A; 12-Oxocalanolide A CFN97812 161753-49-7 C22H24O5 = 368.43 5mg QQ客服:1457312923
    胡桐素E; Calanolide E CFN99466 142566-61-8 C22H28O6 = 388.5 5mg QQ客服:3257982914
    7-氨基-4-甲基-3-香豆素醋酸; 7-Amino-4-methylcoumarin CFN90420 106562-32-7 C12H11NO4 = 233.22 5mg QQ客服:2056216494





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