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  • 12-O-甲基鼠尾草酸

    12-O-Methylcarnosic acid

    产品编号 CFN89377
    CAS编号 62201-71-2
    分子式 = 分子量 C21H30O4 = 346.46
    产品纯度 >=98%
    物理属性 Powder
    化合物类型 Diterpenoids
    植物来源 The leaves of Rosmarinus officinalis L.
    产品名称 产品编号 CAS编号 包装 QQ客服
    12-O-甲基鼠尾草酸 CFN89377 62201-71-2 1mg QQ客服:2159513211
    12-O-甲基鼠尾草酸 CFN89377 62201-71-2 5mg QQ客服:2159513211
    12-O-甲基鼠尾草酸 CFN89377 62201-71-2 10mg QQ客服:2159513211
    12-O-甲基鼠尾草酸 CFN89377 62201-71-2 20mg QQ客服:2159513211
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    Cell. 2018 Jan 11;172(1-2):249-261.e12.
    doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2017.12.019.

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    Cell Metab. 2020 Mar 3;31(3):534-548.e5.
    doi: 10.1016/j.cmet.2020.01.002.

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    Mol Cell. 2017 Nov 16;68(4):673-685.e6.
    doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2017.10.022.

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    ACS Nano. 2018 Apr 24;12(4): 3385-3396.
    doi: 10.1021/acsnano.7b08969.

    PMID: 29553709

    Nature Plants. 2016 Dec 22;3: 16206.
    doi: 10.1038/nplants.2016.205.

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    Sci Adv. 2018 Oct 24;4(10): eaat6994.
    doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aat6994.

    PMID: 30417089
  • University of Virginia (USA)
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  • Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (Germany)
  • University of Perugia (Italy)
  • Universidad Industrial de Santander (Colombia)
  • University of Maryland School of Medicine (USA)
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  • Helmholtz Zentrum München (Germany)
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  • 生物活性
    Description: 12-O-Methylcarnosic acid has antioxidant activity, it is effective preventing gastric lesions. 12-O-Methylcarnosic acid can suppress melanin production with downregulation of tyrosinase expression in HMV-II melanoma cells.12-O-Methylcarnosic acid may have anti-diabetic activity, it is able to significantly activate peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)γ.
    Targets: PPAR
    In vitro:
    J Agric Food Chem. 2003 Jul 16;51(15):4247-53.
    Phenolic diterpenes, flavones, and rosmarinic acid distribution during the development of leaves, flowers, stems, and roots of Rosmarinus officinalis. Antioxidant activity.[Pubmed: 12848492 ]

    The distribution of six compounds with three different polyphenol skeletons have been studied in Rosmarinus officinalis: phenolic diterpenes (carnosic acid, carnosol, and 12-O-Methylcarnosic acid), caffeoyl derivatives (rosmarinic acid), and flavones (isoscutellarein 7-O-glucoside and genkwanin), each showing a characteristic behavior and distribution during the vegetative cycle. Only in leaves were all six compounds present, and the highest accumulation rate was related with the young stages of development. Rosmarinic acid showed the highest concentrations of all the polyphenols in all organs. The distribution of this acid in leaves, flowers, and stems suggests that in the first stages of flower growth, levels were due to in situ biosynthesis, and in the last stages, the contribution of transport phenomena was increased. The antioxidant activity of six extracts with different polyphenolic composition was evaluated in aqueous and lipid systems.
    The results clearly suggest that rosemary extracts are excellent antioxidants in both aqueous and lipid systems.
    Planta Med 2015; 81 - SL3B_04
    Ursolic acid and 12-O-methylcarnosic acid from the leaves of Rosmarinus officinalis L. suppressed melanin production with downregulation of tyrosinase expression in HMV-II melanoma cells[Reference: WebLink]
    A total of 15 samples of extracts obtained from horticultural herbal therapy plants were examined. Based on IC50 values, the highest inhibitory effect on melanogenesis was observed with extracts from the leaves of Rosmarinus officinalis L. (rosemary). This extract showed stronger activity than the flowers of Erica vulgaris (heath), which include abundant levels of the major skin whitening compound, arbutin (positive control). Next, we isolated active compounds from rosemary by melanogenesis inhibitory activity-guided fractionation, identifying ursolic acid (1) and 12-O-methylcarnosic acid (2) as the main bioactive compounds. Compared with 1 and its isomers (betulinic acid (3) and oleanic acid (4)) at the concentration of 7.5 μM, inhibitory effects of 1 and 3 were 67.2 ± 9.4% and 0.5 ± 0.5% (% to control), respectively. Compound 3 showed high cytotoxicity (viability, 7.4 ± 1.4%), while 4 had no effect inhibiting melanogenesis. Tyrosinase is one of the key enzymes involved in melanogenesis. We therefore studied whether these compounds would suppress expression of tyrosinase on HMV-II cells. Compounds 1, 2, and 3 showed downregulation of tyrosinase expression, according to the results of western blotting.
    In vivo:
    Planta Med. 2011 Jun;77(9):882-7.
    Gastroprotective effect and cytotoxicity of carnosic acid derivatives.[Pubmed: 21246485 ]
    Carnosic acid (CA) is the main phenolic diterpene of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L., Lamiaceae) and presents gastroprotective effect in vitro and in vivo.
    To determine structure-activity relationships, seventeen esters and ethers of CA were prepared, comprising aliphatic, aromatic, and heterocyclic compounds. The naturally occurring 12-O-methylcarnosic acid (14) was also included in the study. The compounds were evaluated for their gastroprotective activity in the HCl/EtOH-induced gastric lesions model in mice, and for cytotoxicity in human adenocarcinoma AGS cells, Hep G2 hepatocellular carcinoma cells, and human lung fibroblasts. At 10 mg/kg, some of the CA derivatives (5, 8, 9, 12, 14, and 18) were more effective preventing gastric lesions than the reference compound lansoprazole at the same dose.
    The dibenzoate 9, diindoleacetate 12, and the derivative 18 showed the best gastroprotective effect combined with the lowest cytotoxicity.
    1 mg 5 mg 10 mg 20 mg 25 mg
    1 mM 2.8863 mL 14.4317 mL 28.8634 mL 57.7267 mL 72.1584 mL
    5 mM 0.5773 mL 2.8863 mL 5.7727 mL 11.5453 mL 14.4317 mL
    10 mM 0.2886 mL 1.4432 mL 2.8863 mL 5.7727 mL 7.2158 mL
    50 mM 0.0577 mL 0.2886 mL 0.5773 mL 1.1545 mL 1.4432 mL
    100 mM 0.0289 mL 0.1443 mL 0.2886 mL 0.5773 mL 0.7216 mL
    * Note: If you are in the process of experiment, it's need to make the dilution ratios of the samples. The dilution data of the sheet for your reference. Normally, it's can get a better solubility within lower of Concentrations.
    产品名称 产品编号 CAS编号 分子式 = 分子量 位单 联系QQ
    2,11,12-Trihydroxy-7,20-epoxy-8,11,13-abietatriene; 2,11,12-Trihydroxy-7,20-epoxy-8,11,13-abietatriene CFN95428 1608462-12-9 C20H28O4 = 332.4 10mg QQ客服:1413575084
    6-Epidemethylesquirolin D; 6-Epidemethylesquirolin D CFN99695 165074-00-0 C20H28O5 = 348.4 5mg QQ客服:1413575084
    鼠尾草酚; Carnosol CFN99956 5957-80-2 C20H26O4 = 330.42 20mg QQ客服:1457312923
    异迷迭香酚; Isorosmanol CFN93009 93780-80-4 C20H26O5 = 346.42 5mg QQ客服:1457312923
    迷迭香酚; Rosmanol CFN93024 80225-53-2 C20H26O5 = 344.45 10mg QQ客服:215959384
    表-迷迭香酚; Epirosmanol CFN91536 93380-12-2 C20H26O5 = 346.4 5mg QQ客服:2056216494
    Rosmaquinone; Rosmaquinone CFN91824 121927-71-7 C20H24O5 = 344.4 5mg QQ客服:1457312923
    7alpha-甲氧基迷迭香酚 ; 7-O-Methylrosmanol CFN96974 113085-62-4 C21H28O5 = 360.45 10 mg QQ客服:1413575084
    7beta-甲氧基迷迭香酚 ; 7beta-Methoxyrosmanol CFN92990 24703-38-6 C21H28O5 = 360.44 5mg QQ客服:1413575084
    7-乙氧基迷迭香酚; 7-Ethoxyrosmanol CFN91119 111200-01-2 C22H30O5 = 374.5 10mg QQ客服:1457312923





    在线QQ: 1413575084


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