产品编号 | CFN91841 | |
CAS编号 | 139726-40-2 | |
分子式 = 分子量 | C23H32O15 = 548.5 | |
产品纯度 | >=98% | |
物理属性 | Powder | |
化合物类型 | Phenylpropanoids | |
植物来源 | The roots of Polygala tenuifolia. | |
ChemFaces的产品在影响因子大于5的优秀和顶级科学期刊中被引用 |
产品名称 | 产品编号 | CAS编号 | 包装 | QQ客服 |
西伯利亚远志糖A1 | CFN91841 | 139726-40-2 | 1mg | QQ客服:3257982914 |
西伯利亚远志糖A1 | CFN91841 | 139726-40-2 | 5mg | QQ客服:3257982914 |
西伯利亚远志糖A1 | CFN91841 | 139726-40-2 | 10mg | QQ客服:3257982914 |
西伯利亚远志糖A1 | CFN91841 | 139726-40-2 | 20mg | QQ客服:3257982914 |
Description: | The sibiricosee A1, the sibiricose A5 and the tenuifoliside A have a better treatment function for tristimania caused by various reasons the sibiricose A5 and the tenuifoliside A have a certain protecting function for PC 12 cells damaged by glutamic acid and the sibiricosee A1, the sibiricose A5 and the tenuifoliside A all can shorten the tail-hanging resting time and the swim resting time of a mouse. | |||
In vitro: |
1 mg | 5 mg | 10 mg | 20 mg | 25 mg | |
1 mM | 1.8232 mL | 9.1158 mL | 18.2315 mL | 36.4631 mL | 45.5789 mL |
5 mM | 0.3646 mL | 1.8232 mL | 3.6463 mL | 7.2926 mL | 9.1158 mL |
10 mM | 0.1823 mL | 0.9116 mL | 1.8232 mL | 3.6463 mL | 4.5579 mL |
50 mM | 0.0365 mL | 0.1823 mL | 0.3646 mL | 0.7293 mL | 0.9116 mL |
100 mM | 0.0182 mL | 0.0912 mL | 0.1823 mL | 0.3646 mL | 0.4558 mL |
产品名称 | 产品编号 | CAS编号 | 分子式 = 分子量 | 位单 | 联系QQ |
木通苯乙醇苷B; Calceolarioside B | CFN90647 | 105471-98-5 | C23H26O11 = 478.45 | 20mg | QQ客服:2159513211 |
木通苯乙醇苷A; Calceolarioside A | CFN98522 | 84744-28-5 | C23H26O11 = 478.44 | 5mg | QQ客服:2159513211 |
去鼠李糖地黄苷; Desrhamnosylmartynoside | CFN89370 | 136055-64-6 | C25H30O11 = 506.49 | 5mg | QQ客服:2056216494 |
管花肉苁蓉苷B1; Cistantubuloside B1 | CFN95714 | 130009-44-8 | C35H46O19 = 770.7 | 5mg | QQ客服:2056216494 |
连翘酯苷B; Forsythoside B | CFN99715 | 81525-13-5 | C34H44O19 = 756.70 | 20mg | QQ客服:1457312923 |
金石蚕苷; Poliumoside | CFN99714 | 94079-81-9 | C35H46O19 = 770.73 | 20mg | QQ客服:1457312923 |
2'-乙酰基金石蚕苷; Brandioside | CFN90882 | 133393-81-4 | C37H48O20 = 812.8 | 10mg | QQ客服:215959384 |
松果菊苷; Echinacoside | CFN98105 | 82854-37-3 | C35H46O20 = 786.72 | 20mg | QQ客服:215959384 |
2'-鼠李糖松果菊苷; 2'-Rhamnoechinacoside | CFN95035 | 1422390-59-7 | C41H56O24 = 932.9 | 10mg | QQ客服:1457312923 |
紫地黄甙C; Purpureaside C | CFN93410 | 108648-07-3 | C35H46O20 = 786.7 | 10mg | QQ客服:2159513211 |