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  • 胡椒碱


    产品编号 CFN99919
    CAS编号 94-62-2
    分子式 = 分子量 C17H19NO3 = 285.34
    产品纯度 >=98%
    物理属性 White powder
    化合物类型 Alkaloids
    植物来源 The fruits of Piper nigrum L.
    产品名称 产品编号 CAS编号 包装 QQ客服
    胡椒碱 CFN99919 94-62-2 10mg QQ客服:2056216494
    胡椒碱 CFN99919 94-62-2 20mg QQ客服:2056216494
    胡椒碱 CFN99919 94-62-2 50mg QQ客服:2056216494
    胡椒碱 CFN99919 94-62-2 100mg QQ客服:2056216494
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    doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2017.12.019.

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    doi: 10.1038/nplants.2016.205.

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    Sci Adv. 2018 Oct 24;4(10): eaat6994.
    doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aat6994.

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  • 生物活性
    Description: Piperine, an inhibitor of human P-glycoprotein and/or CYP3A4, which has antinociceptive, antiarthritic, antidepressant, hepatoprotective, immunomodulatory , antitumor, anti-oxidative, anti-apoptotic, chemo-protective, and anti-inflammatoryactivities. Administration of piperine appears to reverse preexisting high-fat diet (HFD)-induced hepatic steatosis and insulin resistance, probably by activation of adiponectin-AMPK signalling.
    Targets: P-gp | P450 (e.g. CYP17) | TNF-α | IL Receptor | CCR | CDK | Akt | IkB | Caspase | AMPK | AP-1 | PGE | MMP(e.g.TIMP) | NF-kB | IKK
    In vitro:
    J Ethnopharmacol. 2004 Feb;90(2-3):339-46.
    Immunomodulatory and antitumor activity of Piper longum Linn. and piperine.[Pubmed: 15013199]
    Alcoholic extract of the fruits of the plant Piper longum and its component piperine was studied for their immunomodulatory and antitumor activity.
    Alcoholic extract of the fruits was 100% toxic at a concentration of 500 microg/ml to Dalton's lymphoma ascites (DLA) cells and 250 microg/ml to Ehrlich ascites carcinoma (EAC) cells. Piperine was found to be cytotoxic towards DLA and EAC cells at a concentration of 250 microg/ml. Alcoholic extract and piperine was also found to produce cytotoxicity towards L929 cells in culture at a concentration of 100 and 50 microg/ml, respectively. Administration of alcoholic extract of Piper longum (10 mg/dose/animal) as well as piperine (1.14 mg/dose/animal) could inhibit the solid tumor development in mice induced with DLA cells and increase the life span of mice bearing Ehrlich ascites carcinoma tumor to 37.3 and 58.8%, respectively. Administration of Piper longum extract and piperine increased the total WBC count to 142.8 and 138.9%, respectively, in Balb/c mice. The number of plaque forming cells also enhanced significantly by the administration of the extract (100.3%) and piperine (71.4%) on 5th day after immunization.
    Bone marrow cellularity and alpha-esterase positive cells were also increased by the administration of Piper longum extract and piperine.
    J Pharm Biomed Anal . 2016 Sep 5;128:286-293.
    Non-linear pharmacokinetics of piperine and its herb-drug interactions with docetaxel in Sprague-Dawley rats[Pubmed: 27288758]
    Abstract Piperine (PIP), the major alkaloid component from Piper longum L. and Piper nigrum L., could enhance the bioavailabilities of other drugs including rosuvastatin, peurarin and docetaxel (DOX) via inhibition of CYP3A and P-glycoprotein activity. Nevertheless, the effect of such drug combination usage on the in vivo exposure of PIP has not been investigated due to lack of assay for the simultaneous determination of PIP and other drugs such as DOX. Besides, the reported pharmacokinetics of PIP varied a lot without appropriate bioavailability determined from the same dose. In the current study, an LC/MS/MS method has been developed to simultaneously determine the plasma concentrations of PIP and DOX and further applied to investigate the pharmacokinetics properties of PIP after oral and intravenous administrations as well as the pharmacokinetics interactions between PIP and DOX after their co-administration. A simple protein precipitation method was employed for plasma sample treatment by adding a mixture of methanol and acetonitrile (1:1, v/v) with glibenclamide as internal standard (IS). The LC/MS/MS system consisted of Agilent 6430 series LC pumps and auto-sampler. The chromatographic separation was carried out in 15min on a Waters C18 column (150×3.9mm i.d., 4μm) with a mobile phase containing 0.2% formic acid and acetonitrile (1:1, v/v) at a flow rate of 0.4ml/min. The detection was performed using the positive ion electrospray ionization (ESI) in multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode with precursor-to-product ion transitions at m/z 286.1→201.1 for PIP, m/z 830.3→548.9 for DOX and m/z 494.2→369.0 for IS. The method demonstrated good linearity for both PIP and DOX over the concentration range of 2.5-1280ng/ml with LLOD at 2.5ng/ml. The intra-day and inter-day precisions were less than 13.34% and relative error (R.E.) representing accuracy was in the range of -11.38 to 3.15%. The recoveries of PIP, DOX and IS were above 75% and there was no matrix effect. PIP and DOX exhibited good stabilities under various conditions. PIP was administrated via intravenous bolus at 3.5mg/kg and via oral administration at 35mg/kg and 3.5mg/kg, while DOX was intravenously administrated at 7mg/kg to Sprague-Daley rats. The plasma concentrations of PIP and DOX were determined using the above developed and validated method. At the dose of 3.5mg/kg, the bioavailability of PIP was calculated to be 25.36%. Its AUC0→t was unproportionally increased with doses, indicating a potential non-linear pharmacokinetics profile of PIP. It was found that the AUC0→t and C0 of DOX and t1/2 of PIP were significantly increased after their combination use, suggesting potential enhanced bioavailability of not only DOX but also PIP, which may lead to the overall enhanced pharmacological effects. Keywords: Docetaxel; Herb-drug interactions; LC/MS/MS; Pharmacokinetics; Piperine.
    In vivo:
    J Ethnopharmacol. 2015 Apr 21.
    The protective effect of piperine on dextran sulfate sodium induced inflammatory bowel disease and its relation with pregnane X receptor activation.[Pubmed: 25907981]
    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is associated with chronic inflammation of the intestinal tract. Piperine (1-peperoylpiperidine), the primary lipophilic component in black pepper (Piper nigrum) and long pepper (Piper longum), has been reported to be effective for anti-inflammatory. Rencently, several ethnopharmacological purity compounds, such as baicalin and artemisinin, are reported to have potentially therapeutic role in treating IBD. In the present study, the effects of piperine on pregnane X receptor (PXR)-mediated CYP3A expression and its therapeutic role in IBD were investigated.
    LS174T cells and C57BL/6J mice were treated by the piperine. Gene expressions were analyzed by real-time PCR, Western blot analysis, transient transfections assay and histological analysis. Data indicated that treatment of LS174T cells with piperine markedly increased both CYP3A4 and PXR mRNA and protein. Transient transfection experiments indicated that transcriptional activation of the CYP3A4 gene via piperine was PXR-dependent. Data show that pre-administration of piperine decreased clinical hallmarks of colitis in DSS-treated PXR mice as measured by body weight loss and assessment of diarrhea, rectal bleeding, colon length, and histology. Inflammatory mediators (CCR2, ICAM-1, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-10, iNOS, MCP-1, and TNFα) after DSS treatment were significantly decreased in mice pretreated with piperine but corresponding conditions did not occur in mice with down-regulation of PXR by small interfering RNA (siRNA).
    Piperine is a potential agonist of PXR and an inducer of PXR, which may induce CYP3A4 gene expression at the mRNA and protein levels. These results establish that piperine may contribute to prevention or reduction of colonic inflammation.
    Food Chem. 2013 Dec 15;141(4):3627-35.
    Piperine reverses high fat diet-induced hepatic steatosis and insulin resistance in mice.[Pubmed: 23993530 ]

    This study examined the effect of piperine on hepatic steatosis and insulin resistance induced in mice by feeding a high-fat diet (HFD) for 13 weeks and elucidated potential underlying molecular mechanisms. Administration of piperine (50 mg/kg body weight) to mice with HFD-induced hepatic steatosis resulted in a significant increase in plasma adiponectin levels. Also, elevated plasma concentrations of insulin and glucose and hepatic lipid levels induced by feeding a HFD were reversed in mice when they were administered piperine. However, piperine did not reduce body weight and other biochemical markers to an extent where they became equal to the levels found in the CD-fed mice. Piperine reversed HFD-induced down-regulation of adiponecitn-AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) signalling molecules which play an important role in mediating lipogenesis, fatty acid oxidation and insulin signalling in the livers of mice. The expressions of lipogenic target genes were decreased, whereas the expression of carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 (CPT1) gene involved in fatty acid oxidation was increased in the livers of the Pin50 group. Piperine significantly decreased the phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) compared with the HFD-fed mice.
    Administration of piperine appeared to reverse preexisting HFD-induced hepatic steatosis and insulin resistance, probably by activation of adiponectin-AMPK signalling in mice.
    Evid Based Complement Alternat Med . 2016;2016:8597208.
    Piperine Plays an Anti-Inflammatory Role in Staphylococcus aureus Endometritis by Inhibiting Activation of NF-κB and MAPK Pathways in Mice[Pubmed: 27293467]
    Abstract Endometritis is commonly caused by pathogenic microorganisms, including Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus). Piperine, which is a natural medicine, has shown a variety of biological activities. To explore the effect and mechanism of piperine on S. aureus endometritis, a mouse model of S. aureus endometritis was successfully established in the present study. Histopathological changes were observed with H&E staining, cytokines were analyzed by ELISA, mRNA was analyzed by qPCR, and proteins were detected by western blot. The results showed that piperine could significantly alleviate inflammatory injury in S. aureus endometritis. The qPCR and ELISA results showed that piperine effectively reduced the S. aureus-induced overexpression of TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-6 but increased the expression of IL-10. The S. aureus-induced inflammation was related to TLR-2 and TLR-4 because the results showed that their expression was increased in S. aureus infection but then decreased with piperine treatment. To further confirm that piperine caused an anti-inflammatory response by targeting NF-κB and MAPKs, the expression of I-κB, p65, p38, ERK, and JNK was measured. The phosphorylation of I-κB, p65, p38, ERK, and JNK was inhibited by piperine in a dose-dependent manner. All of the results indicated that piperine may be a potential anti-inflammatory drug both in endometritis and in other S. aureus-induced diseases.
    1 mg 5 mg 10 mg 20 mg 25 mg
    1 mM 3.5046 mL 17.523 mL 35.0459 mL 70.0918 mL 87.6148 mL
    5 mM 0.7009 mL 3.5046 mL 7.0092 mL 14.0184 mL 17.523 mL
    10 mM 0.3505 mL 1.7523 mL 3.5046 mL 7.0092 mL 8.7615 mL
    50 mM 0.0701 mL 0.3505 mL 0.7009 mL 1.4018 mL 1.7523 mL
    100 mM 0.035 mL 0.1752 mL 0.3505 mL 0.7009 mL 0.8761 mL
    * Note: If you are in the process of experiment, it's need to make the dilution ratios of the samples. The dilution data of the sheet for your reference. Normally, it's can get a better solubility within lower of Concentrations.
    产品名称 产品编号 CAS编号 分子式 = 分子量 位单 联系QQ
    Piperlonguminine; Piperlonguminine CFN91121 5950-12-9 C16H19NO3 = 273.3 20mg QQ客服:2056216494
    4,5-Dihydropiperlonguminine; 4,5-Dihydropiperlonguminine CFN91508 23512-53-0 C16H21NO3 = 275.4 5mg QQ客服:1457312923
    假荜茇酰胺B; Pipercide (Retrofractamide B) CFN95677 54794-74-0 C22H29NO3 = 355.5 5mg QQ客服:2159513211
    假荜茇酰胺C; Retrofractamide C CFN95690 96386-33-3 C20H27NO3 = 329.4 5mg QQ客服:2159513211
    墙草碱; Pellitorine CFN96143 18836-52-7 C14H25NO = 223.4 5mg QQ客服:2056216494
    N-异丁基-(2E,4E,12Z)-十八烷基-1-酰胺; 2,4,12-Octadecatrienoic acid isobutylamide CFN95684 151391-69-4 C22H39NO = 333.6 10mg QQ客服:3257982914
    Dodeca 2E,4E,8Z,10E,Z-tetraenoic acid isobutylamide; Dodeca 2E,4E,8Z,10E,Z-tetraenoic acid isobutylamide CFN70461 866602-52-0 C32H50N2O2 = 494.8 5mg QQ客服:2159513211
    2,2,6,6-四甲基哌啶酮盐酸盐; Triacetonamine hydrochloride CFN98437 33973-59-0 C9H18ClNO = 191.7 20mg QQ客服:2159513211
    2-Ethyl-2,6,6-trimethylpiperidin-4-one; 2-Ethyl-2,6,6-trimethylpiperidin-4-one CFN96237 133568-79-3 C10H19NO = 169.3 5mg QQ客服:2056216494
    2,4,6,6-四甲基-3(6H)-吡啶酮 ; 2,4,6,6-Tetramethyl-3(6H)-pyridinone CFN98031 203524-64-5 C9H13NO = 151.2 5mg QQ客服:2159513211





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